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God and the Universe
God and the Universe
Teacher's Guide with Lesson Plans for Ages 8-12

Soft cover, 215 pages

A wonderful resource for neighborhood children's classes, summer schools and weekend retreats! This theme book is the first in a series of easy-to-use teacher's guides designed for ages 8-12. It is filled with fun, hands-on, kid-tested learning activities. The lessons are user-friendly and ready-to-go with very little outside preparation needed by the teacher. The book has four sections:

  • The Kingdoms of Creation
  • God, the Creator
  • Prayer, Our Connection with God
  • What is a Human Being?

Detailed lesson plans include copy-ready student handouts, readings, demonstrations, crafts, songs, games, felt lessons, memory quotes, word puzzles, outdoor activities, a quiz show, and more!

What People Are Saying

"My grandson tells me that the children's retreat at your home this weekend was the best weekend of his life!" - Dr. Rhett Diessner

"Your curriculum is the best I've seen to teach kids about the Faith. I love it!! They aren't being taught principles, they are investigating, exploring, and owning the principles. I wish I could think of a better way to express my gratitude." - Dr. Sue Walker, PhD, middle school teacher

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